Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice 2010

Happy, Happy Summer Solstice 2010!!

With so many big changes in the cosmic landscape going on I'm breaking down my structural set-up around this blog. A set-up which is clearly not happening or operating as intended, but no worries...

In honor of the planet Uranus (chaos) entering (on May 27, 2010) into the Dragon (instills longevity) after an 84 year cycle through our planet's celestial wheel, it is time to strike a whole new chord.

The planet Uranus is considered to be exalted in the zodiac sign of the Dragon (aka: Aries). So in line with this planet's big, bold move I'm deconstructing all conceptual framework and going freestyle.

Uranus will quite literally destroy the systems that impede it's progression over the course of a 7.5 year tour, and does not officially begin until March 2011.

Already we have witnessed a dramatic change in leaders shifting power. Towers that tumbled and uncontrolled spills will give way to an even wider set of destructive possibilities than we could ever have imagined.

But the same holds true for breaking free of constraints that can initiate productive leadership outside of any false, shiny wrapper.

I'll begin posting randomly rather than following moon stages. In that way I can alter the landscape of my own world, in my own fashion and mode and hopefully... in spite of my ongoing, intense workload.

My focus here remains posting details on the Zodiac and the Lucky Star (fields of energy) patterns for each sign. I invite you to ask questions about the things you'd like to know, now.

Also I'd love to see you at my upcoming, public event:

Luck Dragon's with China Rose @ Eden for downtown Santa Barbara's 1st Thursday on July 1, 2010. A cultural event of art, wine & entertainment from 5:00 pm to 8:00 in pm. Eden is next door to the Wildcat (meow) so please RSVP & join us for the exclusive Art Show.

Also in just few days on June 26th we will have a partial Lunar eclipse in the sign of the Ox (governs status) (aka: Capricorn) which will collapse the status quo. This aspect seems small but goes long, is deep, dark and can leave you frozen, out in the cold.

The cow (aka: Ox, Capricorn, buffalo) chews it's cud so expect things to come up that if not checked as baggage can drag on and on. Especially with work related production matters. Expect to see a shift on the grid and patterns declining after a burst effect.

Spirited Birds (aka: Phoenix, Virgo, rooster), slinky Serpents (aka: Taurus, snake) and of course the Lucky ducky, Rat (aka: Sagittarius, mongoose, mouse) will fare better, above the rest.

A few hail and hearty Dragons (aka: Aries) have earned a free hall pass. My home loving Goat's (aka: Cancer, sheep) do take caution as to not get locked into a situation you can't get out of. Hold your cards and don't jump into the fray or agree to anything, yet.

The dwarf planet, Pluto (fate) sits at the early zero point (emptiness) in the Ox (status) as Earth (substance) passes between a rock, the full (yang) Moon (moods) in the Ox and a hard place, the Sun (image).

This transit upsets the apple cart in the marketplace and is akin to a pebble in the shoe or fly in the ointment. Best course is to stay calm and do not try to take any evasive or corrective action. Just ride the rapids.

The rest of the signs, Horse (aka: Gemini), Tiger (aka: Aquarius), Hare (aka: cat, Pisces, rabbit, fish), Monkey (aka: Leo), Dog (aka: Libra, lion) and Pig (aka: boar, Scorpio) keep in mind this eclipse brings things to a well-defined close. Don't let your fruits rot on the vine. Pick, then choose.

This eclipse has the control feature of something being written-in-stone. I don't recommend signing anything within the day before and after unless you are certain it should be everlasting and unyielding over time.

Let whatever it is go, gladly... regardless of circumstances. On the flip side, July 11th - just two weeks down the road we have it's mate, a brand New (yin) Moon (moods) Solar eclipse in the sign of the peaceful, Goat.

The good you thought you lost can be fully, restored when you bide your time well.

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